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Printed: 29 March 2025

Stop or restart Winter Energy Payment

About this form

Use this form if you do not want to get the Winter Energy Payment and we’ll stop it. If you’ve asked us to stop it, you can also use this form to re-start it if you meet the criteria for the payment.

Criteria for Winter Energy Payment .

If you get Temporary Additional Support or Special Benefit and don't want to get the Winter Energy Payment, call us on 0800 559 009 instead of using this form.

We'll write to you once we've processed your request.

Please note the questions in this form may change dynamically based on your answers to previous questions.

Keeping a copy of this form

After you submit the form, you’ll see a confirmation page with all the info you entered. If you want to keep a copy, you can print that page or save it as a PDF using the browser’s print function. We can’t provide you with a copy of the form later.

Personal details

You can find this on your Community Services Card, SuperGold Card or by requesting a client number online
If you're not sure what the postcode is for this address, you can find it with the NZ Post postcode finder
This must be a valid New Zealand number.
This must be a valid New Zealand number.

Identity security

. To help us confirm your identity, please select a security question relevant to you and provide an answer.
If you’re not sure, you can search for your IRD number
If you're not sure what the postcode is for this address, you can find it with the NZ Post postcode finder

Winter Energy Payment details

Do you want to stop or restart the Winter Energy Payment? (required)
Do you have a partner? (required)
