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Printed: 29 March 2025

Register a senior's death with us

About this form

Complete this form to register the death of someone who was getting New Zealand Superannuation or a Veteran’s Pension. If you’re from a trustee company (e.g, Public Trust, or law firm), you can complete this form and we’ll send you estate details for the person who’s died.

We know there’s a lot to sort out when someone passes away. We may be able to help with:

  • Your NZ Super payment. If you’re their partner and you qualify for NZ Super, your payment will change to a single rate. We’ll send you a letter to confirm your new payment amount.
  • A Funeral Grant to pay for some of the funeral costs. If the person was single, we’ll send an application form to you, otherwise we’ll send it to their partner. There are certain criteria you need to meet to get a Funeral Grant.

Please note the questions in this form may change dynamically based on your answers to previous questions.

Keeping a copy of this form

After you submit the form, you’ll see a confirmation page with all the info you entered. If you want to keep a copy, you can print that page or save it as a PDF using the browser’s print function. We can’t provide you with a copy of the form later.

Details about the person who has died

You can find this on the back of their SuperGold Card or on letters from us.
Did this person get a Veteran's Pension? (required)

Address details about the person who has died

. If you’re not sure, you can use their last known address.
Did this person live in a rest home? (required)

Your details

This could be your name or your organisation’s name if you’re from a trustee company (e.g. Public Trust, or law firm).
Do you have a New Zealand phone number? (required)
This must be a valid New Zealand number.

Your address details

Do you have the same address as the person who has died? (required)

Your relationship to the person who has died

Preferred contact method (optional) We need to contact you to check if you’ll be living alone. This helps us confirm we’re paying you the right amount.
Accepted file types: doc, docx, png, jpg, jpeg, pdf, rtf, odt.
Maximum upload size: 10MB.
Accepted file types: doc, docx, png, jpg, jpeg, pdf, rtf, odt.
Maximum upload size: 10MB.
