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Printed: 29 March 2025
Complete this form if you want to make a complaint about our service. We'll do our best to sort it out and, where possible, make sure it doesn't happen again.
If you’re making a complaint on behalf of someone else, we will contact them first about this complaint, unless we have already recorded you as an agent for them.
If you wish to be anonymous, we won’t ask for your personal details. But this means we won't get back to you with an outcome. Instead, we will use your feedback to help improve our services.
If you want to:
Please note the questions in this form may change dynamically based on your answers to previous questions.
After you submit the form, you’ll see a confirmation page with all the info you entered. If you want to keep a copy, you can print that page or save it as a PDF using the browser’s print function. We can’t provide you with a copy of the form later.